Advanced Health and Safety for Managers and Supervisors

Advanced Health and Safety for Managers and Supervisors


This course is designed to give supervisors and managers a more in depth overview of UK health and safety law and then to focus on some of the areas of responsibility. These include everyday items such as Risk Assessment, Training and Accident/Incident investigation but extends to hazard specific areas such as Chemical safety (COSHH), Display Screen Equipment (DSE), Machinery Safety, Fire, Manual Handling etc. A great course for those that need to understand what to manage in their workplace. 

This is a certified course.


The aim of this course is to ensure those with positions of responsibility are aware of the range of legal duties under the Health and Safety at work Act 1974 and associated legislation.


By the end of this training delegates should be able to;

  • Understand the employers and employees legal responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
  • Understand the impact of poor health and safety management.
  • Understand the role of risk assessment in the workplace.
  • Understand how accident/incident reporting should take place including an introduction to RIDDOR.
  • Understand the need for training and monitoring in the workplace.
  • Understand the legal requirements under a range of specific hazards including
    • COSHH
    • PUWER
    • LOLER
    • DSE
    • Manual Handling
    • Fire
    • First-Aid
    • P.P.E


We believe in developing our relationships with our clients and as such we offer competitive rates with no hidden extras and transparent terms and conditions.