A friendly and professional
Health and Safety Consultancy service

Offering experienced safety professionals to help you navigate through the health and safety minefield.

Consultancy services can be tailored to meet your needs however our standard services include:

• Gap-Analysis
A site visit looking at the essential areas of health and safety for legal compliance. (Ideal for SME’s)
• Site Audit
An in depth look at your legal compliance with recommendations to get you back on track. (Includes report of findings and recommendations)
• Onsite Assistance
Site visits to help support during HSE visits, Insurance Visits, Accident / Incident Investigation.
• Consultancy days
Need someone to help support with those hard to do risk assessments or maybe help carrying out COSHH assessments, whatever it may be we can offer up days to help.
• Fire Risk Assessments
Qualified and experienced fire risk assessors can help ensure you remain compliant.
It’s unusual to find a course where it keeps it to the point and teaches you both the material and the exam technique . . .
Phil Waters Training and Auditing Manager

Do not hesitate to contact us

Why wait till something goes wrong?
Prevention is better than cure (and cheaper!)

We believe in developing our relationships with our clients and as such we offer competitive rates with no hidden extras and transparent terms and conditions.